We know that when it comes to your foundation there is a lot of things to consider. We want you know that with us your home is in trusted hands. We are the pier and beam repair and sinkhole repair guys of Orlando, even of Florida. A lot of out of state businesses come to learn from what we have to offer. Repairing the pier and beams of your home can seem like a stressful situation that when you have come time to go through with it feels like it is going to cost a fortune and be a ton of work. With us you don’t have to worry about these stressors, and you are guaranteed the absolute best results.
Why Do I Need My Pier and Beams Repaired?
This can be one of the most frustrating questions one can have when looking at the foundation of their house. What is going wrong that these problems are occurring and why is it becoming this huge ordeal that is involving the piers and beams. When it has become evident that the piers and beams need worked on and is never a light conclusion that any contractor just throws on a homeowner. There are many contributing factors that could have to do with the actual structure and or issues outside and inside the structure.
What Causes The Problems?
When a foundation is being built the type of soil is always taken into consideration. This is important because it impacts the entire structure. The thing is that with soil it can change. Underlying soil can change if there has been an usual amount of moisture or the opposite, if it gets dried it from the possible growth of other plants and vegetation that were present at the time of building. Trees roots can make soil very dry. Earth with high clay content can create problems because they hold more water. When soil is too wet it can expand putting pressure on the foundation. When it is too dry it can shrink and not support the way it should.
Methods of Fixing These Problems
Installing proper drainage can make a huge difference when dealing with an unusual amount of moisture. If the drainage that is already installed is doing a poor job then it is time to reinstall a better system, which will cut back on the moisture, and water that is being let in. There is also the method of site shoring. This helps when there is too much stress on the pier and beam, which shows itself when there are patterns of cracks on the base of the wall. One of way of strengthened the foundation so it can bear more weight is by inserting under the beams already there- retailed timber piers.
Property Value
When you have your foundation properly repaired and your pier and beams fixed it assures that the house is in good condition and stays so. Making that extra decision to go into what can feel like an overwhelming repair job is only bettering your future. Repairs like this may seem like something complicated but working with us it never is. We are the experts at these repairs and we work well, fast, thorough and safely. Having us to help you with your pier and beam repairs not only assures that you get the best results, but our repair jobs increase the value of the your property.